Letter from POA President Linda S.

Hello and welcome to the website for the Westlake Hills Property Owner’s Association! At the WHPOA, our mission is to bring the small, hometown feel we all collectively cherish, directly to your living experience, and offer a respite from the hectic, fast-paced lives that so many of us are living. This website was borne from the necessity to be able to provide a place for our residents to easily access the most recent, up-to-date information about Westlake Hills. 

Due to the Pandemic we all experienced in 2020 many residents were left “in the dark” due to  the stoppage of our hard copy, door to door delivered monthly Echo Newsletter. After reflection on this the WHPOA has committed to never allowing this lack of communication to happen again. Moving forward, you will be able to find updates as to goings-on in the neighborhood, as well as contact information for our board members, and information regarding our CC & R’s here on the WHPOA website. We also have fun areas and ideas in the works, the first of which is an area on the landing page where you can peruse photos of what Westlake Hills looked like back when it was first built. If you would like to pay your dues electronically, we offer that service online as well!  

For this past year, there is much that has been going on behind the scenes, the board has been hard at work keeping business moving as usual, protecting the interests of the residents and the public alike; a recent example: soon you will see a welcome addition to the neighborhood, in signs along the pathways in the greenbelts that identify the streets that feed into them, no longer will you have to worry about getting lost or turned around (especially if you are new to the neighborhood). 

We will still have limited Echo editions in the future, but we encourage you to visit the website often!  


President’s Report | 24.06.05